Monday, July 29, 2013

New Presidency!

Matt I am so gld to hear from you!!!! My address is Elder Hamilton Crockett
                                                    Casilla 7-0
I think it takes 3 U.S. Stamps. So rndom fact, there is a new Elder In my distrit named Elder Springs. And he reminded me so much of you. I wanted to punch him in the face hahahahaha Just kidding you know i love you King.

Jocee I just got your letter today!! I have so much to tell you. But hey just a heads up, you are totally aloud to write to my email. And i can print it out whenever. I actually prefer that over a dear Elder because then it dosnt cost you anything and i dont have to wait as long hahaha
So this last week was a miracle. There is abslutely no other way to discribe it. But first i want to throw in a quote from this week.
``Elder Crockett, our next interview i am going to ask you to pray in English``
``President Rappley i can tell you right now that i will not be able to do it``
So I am so happy with this week. I have never faced more oppisition in my lfe, and i have been tempted like crazy recently, but i am not going to fall. And all my fighting has totally been worth it. Because Lago Ranco now has a local Branch President.

The First Branch President in over 5 years who hasnt been a missionary.

My companion and I were so happy that we both literally cried. And thats not the only amazing thing that happened yesterday. We also ordained a man to the office of an Elder. We also had so many people in church that there was literally was not room in the building for everyone. All the kids had to sit in the lap of their parents. We had to stop the meeting to prepare the sacrament a second time. Literally out of every family that i visited this last couple weeks. Every single one of them was in church. Although some of the people where missing, at least one person from every single one of the families came to church. There was literally not enough room in the house we use as a chapel. When we where getting released as the Presidency of the Branch it was something very special. 
We only got told about 10 mins before the meeting that we were getting released. And As President Carcamo ( the first councilor in the osorno chile mission) was releasing us it was really special. He Said  ``We would like to release Elder De Regil, and Elder Crockett as the Branch President and First Councilor in Lago Ranco. Due to the work that they did Lago Ranco has seen many great things.`` And he said a bunch of other things that i am not going to share, but then the ward all raised their right hands to show their gratitude for our service.Many of them had huge smiles on their faces. Some of them were crying they were so happy. 
I have one friend whos name is Emily. She actually reminds me alot of Amelia. But after the meeting she comes up to me and asks ``Why did they release you? Dont they know how much you have done here```And I told her that i was super happy that i did and that i was really excited for the future of Lago Ranco. She then said to me ``What are you going to do now that your not in charge`` And I told her ``I just going to be a missionary again. And i am so happy about it`` And next she said ``Wow thats disappointing`` She then walked away. I think she was hoping i was going to be sad or something about it. 
I remember my first day here in Lago Ranco I set a goal that i was going to have a LAgo Ranc that would be able to run itself without the help`of the missionaries. And the ward was only about 6 members who were in church on a regular basis. And there was absolutely no one with the higher Priesthood. There was literally time at the beginning where it was just me and my companion. Everyone else either just didn`t come. Or the4y skipped out right after sacrament meeting. But yesterday after we ordained a man to Elder. We now have 3 active Melchizedek Priesthood holders. And a couple of potential Elders who may receive the higher Priesthood within a year. I am so close to seeing my dream becoming a reality. 
Once i talked about the vision i had of Lgo Ranco getting a real chapel. And how i was going to make the arrangements for it. And i am so close. My Mission President talked to me abut it. And it may became a reality some day soon. But im not quite there yet. Although there was more than double the number of church attendance than the branch has ever seen. I still have more work to do. And I am Positive that when the church is so full that the floor falls through I dont think we`ll have any choice than to get a new church hahaha. 
I have a Branch Conference in August. I think the 16th. And i am inviting my mission president to it. I need him to see for himself how much the branch is regrowing. And Then I may get to accomplish my dream of buying the property to build a new Chapel. I am so excited. Although this week has been incredibly hard. It has been awesome.

Mom so side note if you could hear about half the things the leaders of the mission and how the other missionaries talk about me, you would cry you would be so happy. I`ll write you a letter telling you a little about it. But you`ll be glad to know that even though before my mission i was just a lazy bum who really didn`t really do anything,  that is not how people see me here. I have changed so much these last couple of months. And i am so excited to see the man i am going to become in the next Year and however many months i have left. I think its like 5 hahaha I love you all. Keep me posted

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