Monday, January 20, 2014

In Jail....again.

So the English Copies of the General Conference finally got here to Coyhuaque!!!!!!! I`ve been waiting to read the talks from general conference for so long now. And finally this week they came in!!!!! I also got that package you sent me with the childrens song book. Super awesome I love it! The Temples are super awesome too.
But oh my goodness i have totally forgotten how much of an emphasis that God put on missionary work in this last conference. There are so many talks that talk about the importance of the members working with the missionaries right now. And how Today is the day. It was awesome. But i was reading it when i had a thought that is a super Palo to anyone not doing missionary work right now haha. And as i was reading i heard a voice in my head say `` Anyone who isn`t doing missionary work, either doesnt understand, or doesnt appreciate the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ´´ But as i had that thought i realized that i need to do a better job with ``giving´´ members more opportunities to share the gospel. Because right now, yes  do call members every single day so they can leave to help me teach. And each one that leaves with us has talked about how grateful they were for the opportunity that they had to feel the spirit and help people learn more. 
But i realized that if they are not having missionary experiences for themselves (outside of leaving to teach with us) that they are not doing what God wants them too in regards to missionary work right now. And sense i had just received the Conference talks i was able to remember the importance it is for the members to share the gospel. Thankful the Zone leaders must have had the same impression because we had a meeting this week (i had to travel like 2 hours to get there by the way haha) (not that im complaining the Elders in Puerto Cysnes had to travel 6 hours to get there haha) (poor souls haha) and in this meeting we started a new program in which we are going to help the members to start working for themselves. And Its was awesome. I am actually going to steal a copy of our secret plans and hold onto them for another year, and then use the same program when i get home so for one, i will still be constantly doing missionary work. And two so i can help others do it. haha. But we started to program and it was awesome.

So new experiences from this week. 
1. I know what its like to get a ``Pat Down´´ (searched for weapons)
2. I know what its like to be INSIDE PRISON (not just the lame police station stories that i had in the past. I made it all the way to the slammer this week haha) (p.s. Jail is not a fun place)(i didnt like the music they had there either haha)

So speaking of jail i had a really sad experience this week. I have an investigator who was going to get baptized (this saturday that just passed) But we went to his house early this week and he wasnt there, but his wife was, and she told us that he had to leave and wouldnt be coming back for a couple of days. Because the other day 3 men came over to the house in white shirts and ties the other day, and they saw thier clothes and got excited thinking it was us, and immediately opened the door, and it was three PDI agents. (its like the Chilean FBI) And they were searching for her husband (my investigator who i am really good friends with) (he recently left jail after being there for 11 years) And they were going to take him back. But luckily he wasnt home so they didnt find him. But eventually we find our investigator (before the PDI could haha) and we talk to him, and he decided that this Tuesday he is going to turn himself into, before the cops take him in, because he thinks that they will be more sympathetic with him if he brings himself in. 
And so this tuesday he is turning himself in. I would tell you for what but it doesnt really matter. But he really wanted to get baptized because i wanted to change his life. And has changes alot sense the day that i met him. But it wil be ok, because it may have been inspired that i had a little field trip to jail because now i know the process of entering, and visiting hours and all that stuff. And so we will be able to go in and visit him. And when i went through i had permission to bring in books and stuff (they checked them first to make sure i wanst hiding anything inside haha) and i gave out pamphlets. And so i know that when we go visit him i will be able to bring in a copy of the book of mormon to him, if they dont let him bring one in, and we will be able to teach him still. And even though he wont be abe to be baptized for a little while, he will have enough time in there to get to know the book of mormon well,and to gain a testimony. (this man actually amazes me. he knows the Bible by memory (because he had nothing else to do but read it for 11 yearts haha) 
But every time we taught him, as we were reading in the book of mormon he would stop us and say ``The bible teaches something exactly the same but with different words`` And then would quote it by memory, and show us in the bible where it said something to same. (i actually learned alot of scriptures from him haha) One day i asked if he believed the book of mormon is true, and he said ``Of coarse it is, any one who has read the bible, and believes the bible would be an idiot to deny the book of mormon, it teaches the same things but its just alot more clear´´ And i said ``Well yes its true, the same God that talked to the prophets and apostles in the Bible are talked to the Prophets in the Book of Mormon´´ But then i asked him if he prayed to know if its true and he said ``No i didnt need to its obvious that its true´´ And i replies, ``Yes it is obviously true but you still have to pray about it. And if you already know its true than you Already know what to expect. So just do it.´´ And so he did haha

Welp i want to keep writing but i got to go. Love you all

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