Monday, April 14, 2014


So this week i think i got the most nerve racking phonecall i have ever gotten in my life. I was sitting at home studying, when my phone starts ringing, And of coarse my first thought was it was just one of my sister missionaries with another problem for me hahahaha. But i look at the phone and i see its a member calling. So i answer, and he sounds really scared. And he says ``Elder Crockett, i really need your help. I dont know who else would be able to help me. I need you right now´´ And he sounded really scared. So i try calming him down, and finding out whats going on. And he tells me ``Elder my mom is dying. She needs a priesthood blessing. And you are the only person who i know would be able to help.´´ And i keep calming him down and ask him to come drive by our house in his car and pick us up because we would be able to get there alot faster.

So he comes and gets us, and said Elder Crockett, alot of my family is over right now, just so you know, and they are all really scared, and they will want to be there for the blessing. And i told him that its fine.

We get to the house. And i enter the room where the mom was in (the kitchen) and there was literally about 30 people there. And as i walk in they all look at me with tears in their eyes, and i just felt like they were at peace when they saw they we were there, even though that the only one there who was an active member was the one who called me, every single other one was inactive or not a member. 

And they create enough space to let me and my companion get through the the woman. She was incredibly sick, and unable to move, but she motioned for one of her sons to come closer, and had him sit her up. And i was honestly impressed by the faith that woman to put enough effort to sit up.

I then kneel down by her, and talk her a little bit before i give the blessing.

There was an incredible spirit in the room as i was blessing her, but there  was one thing that i really wanted to say, but couldnt, it wouldnt leave my mouth. I wanted to say that she would be better, and that she would have more time with her family. But i couldnt. In fact i remember some of the words that left my mouth was ``God is happy with you for the faith that you have shown, and has prepared a place for you, and is waiting for you at his side.

I finished the blessing and literally everyone was crying, but there was an incredible feeling of peace in the room. Its difficult to explain. But as i was getting ready to leave to family, they all just looked at me with really big deep wet eyes, as if they were asking us not to leave. I wanted so bad to stay there with the family until the end, but i couldnt. I gave the member a big hug, and as he was crying in my arms he said ``Thank you Elder Crockett, thats what we all needed´´ 

He offered to take us home, but i told him to stay there with his family and we would walk home.

Its hard to explain how i felt leaving that house.

Not long after i get the news that she passed away.
I knew it was going to happen, but i didnt like hearing it anyway.

Change of story now. Later that day i baptized a woman named Andrea, i have pictures but ill send them the you another day, because i dont have my adapter with me right now. But she is awesome. She and her Daughter Camila got baptized this Saturday.

I also went to another Volcano Today. That was awesome. This time i didnt get up high enough to play in the snow, but it was still super awesome. I can say a bunch of cool things now like. ``I played Frisbee on an Active Volcano´´ And ``Hmmm that sandwich that i ate on an active volcano was pretty dang awesome. Almost as awesome as messing around on an active volcano´´  hahaha I have about a million other of cool things that i can say like everything from ``Jogging´´ ``Thrown rocks´´ ``Went hiking´´ And just a bunch of other normal activities that just sounds more cool when i add ``Active Volcano to the sentence´´ hahaha

So talking about my new companion. I freaking love that guy!!!! I get along better with him than pretty much any other companion ive had in my entire mission. We are super good friends. And we work really good together. there has been a couple of times where the other missionaries  that i live with have gotten mad at him, but i get along super great with him. Its like im playing around all day long, while im preaching the gospel. We are finding a ton of people to teach. And its is just super awesome. His name is Elder Marsden from New Mexico. And we had a ton in common, and are just super good friends. Its awesome.

The only thing that could make it any awesomer is if we had an active volcano involved. OH WAIT.....WE DID!!!!!!! hhahahahaha

Welp i love you all keep me posted!

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