Monday, April 7, 2014

White Wash‏

So i feel really great right now, i know that i am doing what God wants me to be doing.

But a couple of days ago i got a little phone call that started shaking the boat a little bit. 

I was doing my personal study when my phone starts ringing, and so i look at it to see that its the AP´s. So i answer the phone and it was Elder Amone, i think i have talked about hi m in an email before, he is one of my best friends here in the mission, and after messing around with him for a few mins he says, ``ok well i have something serious i need to tell you guys about´´ Well the news that he had for us is that my companion is having a sobre cambio. (i have no idea how to say that in english) but that is when suddenly without warning one missionary gets transferred. And having only been in the sector for a few days before getting the call, i was pretty freaked out. And when there are sobre cambios that happen so early in a transfer it is usually because the spiritual or physical well being of a missionary is in harm, and they need to get out. But knowing Elder Munoz i knew that it wasnt him that did something bad haha.
And so the Ap´s tell me who my new companion is going to be told me. And then told me all the travel plans and everything.

After the phone call it was time to meet up with all of the missionaries in the zone to watch general conference together. And as we were there we told all the missionaries that Elder Munoz was leaving. They all were shocked seeing on how we´ve only been together a few days, but then is when things changed a little bit. One of the Elders asked me who was coming. And so i told him the name of my new companion, and immediately everyone starts freaking out! And literally every single missionary there all started to talk about what they know about my new companion. Now i was hoping for a ``Wow, he is awesome, you two are going to see a ton of miracles there in Pichi´´ but what i actually heard was ``You have got to be kidding me. I dont even want to be in the same city as that man´´ And literally every single missionary there started telling each other stories about my new companion, every single one of them were bad. 

As i was sitting listening to all of that garbage, i got a little mad, to be honest. And so i stood up, and i was about to call out every single one of those missionaries, i was about to say ``What on Earth are you all doing. You are Representatives of Jesus Christ. You shouldnt be saying things like that about ANYONE (because they were saying some pretty bad things) Expectantly another missionary.´´ And so i take a deep breath to prepare to let all of my Righteous Indignation leave from my mouth calling out all of those missionaries, for talking so badly about a missionary in the middle of a stake center surrounded by members. And as i opened my mouth one of the missionaries who i met just a few days ago, must have seen the fire in my eyes, realized what he was doing was wrong, and so he puts his hand on my shoulder, and he says ``Elder Crockett, your new companion really is a nice guy, he really wants to be a missionary, he just needs a little help, and i know you are just who he needs.´´ 

After hearing that i calmed down. And i realized that me calling out all the missionaries in public would be just as bad for us as what they were already doing. Thankfully the conference was getting ready to start, and so all the missionaries stopped talking and went to the room where they wanted to be.

Elder Soto, (the elder who calmed me down) and his companion Elder Vasquez told me that they knew about the sobre cambio before i did, because the mission president called Elder Vasquez to tell him what happened with my new companion (because he was just his zone leader before transfers the other week, so really when he called just to yell at Elder Vasquez because apparently its partially his fault for what happened) 
But they told me what president told them. That right now my new companion was in a really dangerous situation for the work, he made a couple of mistakes, that made a lot of missionaries, and members mad. And it was no longer safe for him to be in Punta Arenas, the city he was in. 

After i was informed about what happened. I went to go sit down to wait for conference, and listen to the MoTab. When i like to call it a little vision that i had. I pictured President Rappleye at his desk, getting the news of the need of a change, and i pictured him kind of stressed out not knowing what to do. When he started to think about which missionary would be able to help with the situation, and that two missionaries came to mind. The first one me, and the second one Elder Goobler (ill talk about him a little further up). And i pictured President deciding that he was going to choose me to be the new companion even though the circumstances that i was dealing with where already bad enough haha.

And after i thought about that i remembered what i told you in my email last week about the mission President having trust in me, and realized i was right hahahahaha

Later that day i got a phone call from the Ap´s to give me that last amount of information that i needed about travel for Elder Munoz, and at the same time i asked if my companion was going to have to travel alone, and they told me know, and told me that President is sending another missionary to go to the new zone with my companion, and that it was Elder Goobler. hahaha Suddenly my little vision thing i had came arcoss as something that may have actually happened haha.

Honestly i am really excited for this opportunity i am having now. (well that i will have starting tomorrow haha thats when Elder Munoz leaves and Elder Marshten comes in) Just a few night ago i was praying that God would start giving me more experiences that would help me grow to be become that man that i know he wants me to be. And then the next morning i find out that i am going to get a whitewashed, have to find my way around in a city that ive only been in for a couple of days, and be companions with a missionary that got an entire ward, and zone of missionaries so mad that it was no longer safe for him to be in the same city hahahahaha. God answered my pray REEAAL quick hahahaha

Love you all.

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