Monday, October 21, 2013

Good news from last area

So this last week has really been me trying to win the confidence of the members, and so far its been working pretty great, the bishop just talked to me the other day and he wants to me to speak again in sacrament meeting this sunday, even though i just gave a talk when i got here, so i am taking this as a little sign that they already trust me and that i will be able to get to work here with the members.

But i will give you a short little run down of my relationship`with the members here. The young men and i get along awesome, after church they all came up to talk to me and wanted to hear my stories that i have in the mission, and i would make a bunch of jokes and stuff too, but they are all super excited to leave on the mission. there is one in particular that i am really good friends with that a couple of years back when he turned 19 he decided that he wasnt going to serve a mission, and actually it was his mom that was telling me about that and it was really hard for her because she spent all her life trying to raise her kids to live the gospel and serve missions and stuff like that but he decided no. And it was heartbreaking for his mom. But last night i was talking with him, and me and him already have a ton of little jokes and stuff and became friends instantly and yesterday he was asking me questions like ``When is the latest they let you leave on a mission?`` And other leaving on a mission related questions, i am not going to tell his mom anything about that though, but i really think that he is going to turn around.

Next group the High Priests. In priesthood all of the Elders Quorum was gone so i went with the High Priests, and at the beginning of the class they asked me to stand up and share about missionary work and what i needed them to do. Which was awesome. But after i talked to them for a couple of mins they started the class, and multiple times they would turn the time back over to me because they wanted to hear what i had to think about different subjects, and wanted me to share personal experiences and teach little parts.  The moms in the ward are awesome too, some of them have told me that they have already talked to their daughters about staying out of my way so i can focus on the work hahaha I am actually not sure if they were just making fun of me or if it was a sincere little act of service they did so i didnt have to worry about the YSA.

So right now i am in a city called Puerto Montt, i actually went with a couple of other Elders to go to the Mall here, and it is so weird i was surrounded by things from the Real World and there was absolutely nothing that stood out to me, actually take that back, when i got to the Nike Store i fell in love and played around with the soccer balls for a while, but it was weird we were in a electronic store because one of the missionaries wanted a new camera (speaking of which everything is Super Expensive down in this part of the world, plus mall prices put on top, because everything of good quality in the world is American, so it gets imported down here, and its just ridiculously expensive) But anyway we were in the electronic store and there was a couple of missionaries who were messing around with the I Pads and there was some looking at video games and talking about games they played before the mission and some that they wanted to play after. And then there was Me and my Friend Elder Werner, the kids awesome love him to death. But we were just chillin there, talking and i realized that i dont even care about junk like that anymore.

So awesome news i just met the missionary who was in Paillaco about a month after me, and he just told me about all of the People who got baptized after i left. And it was awesome. There was one family of 9 people that i found. And that story of when i found them is cool enough, but right before i left i set them all up with Baptism Dates, but he just told me that almost all of that family got baptized. That is super exciting i cant even remember with what i was going with in my little mall talk.

So right now i have one investigator that is just straight up Golden, i gave her a book of Mormon and shes been reading it like crazy, and she read the pamphlet thing i gave her too. And the other day i went to her house to teach her, and she just had a list of questions ready for me of things she wanted to know about. She wanted to know more about priesthood authority and how it is given and who can have it, she also asked me questions about Thomas S Monson and about how does he guide the church today and if the church is really headed by Jesus Christ.

She Also asked me about how baptisms need to be done, and what we believe about the Virgin Mary, and just a million of other legitimate doctrinal questions. So i helped her find the answers to all of her questions and i taught a ton, and i also invited her to a baptism we had this weekend. She went to that, and she went to church the next day too, and she just has this huge desire to learn. She also has a baptismal date in a couple of weeks. And she is working to make sure she knows everything about this Church and if it is actually Gods Only True Church on the Earth before she decides to get baptized, But with how much work she is putting in i know for a fact that God Is going to answer her prayers and tell her that this is his only Church.

The baptism we had was a girl and i actually didnt have much time to get to know her because she was pretty set on getting baptized when i got here, but her family told her that if she got baptized that she would not be aloud to live in their house anymore. So she decided that she was just going to move out before she got kicked out so she moved to a different ward where the missionaries there did the rest of the teaching, but she invited us there because we were ``her missionaries`` even though i didnt really teach her. But it was awesome to be in her Baptism the spirit was super Strong.

Welps i should go i love you all i look forward to hearing from you. Sorry about such the scatter brained sounding email, a ton happened this week, but it not much of it was super excited i need to tell this to my fam kind of stuff. But Love you all!

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