Monday, October 7, 2013

Transferred !!

So about conference i did get to watch it all on Time and i was super happy about that, Granted It was all in Spanish, but  that´s ok because i´m kind of fluent, have been for a while and so i enjoyed it quiet a bit. There was many opportunities when the translators for the leaders of the church said exactly when i needed to hear hahaha. Its nice that even though i didnt get to hear the voice of the Prophet, i still got to hear the words that God wanted me to hear.

So i was leaving a lesson, after what may have been my most productive day as a missionary ever. I set a ton of people with baptism dates. And i found a ton of new people and i just had an incredible day. And as i was walking home that night i had a strange felling i had a feeling that told me ´´You have just accomplished everything that your Heavenly Father sent you to do here in Lago Ranco´´ Pretty shortly after i got a phone call telling me that i was getting transferred.

I´m actually really sad as i am writing this email, i can literally hardly see the screen because my eyes are pretty wet right now. I have grown to love this little town and the people here, But i know that God has great plans for me. So i am really excited to go. I am going to a city called Puerto Varas. Its actually a pretty big city from what i´ve heard. I also received some awesome news today that it has a WALMART (well Líder, but its owned by walmart so its pretty much the same thing) Super excited for that. I havent had a walmart within more than a 2 hour trip sense i´ve left the states so i am pretty stoked about that hahaha.

I am going to be with an Elder Named Elder Hurtado. I think he is from Bolivia. I met him when i was in Caupulican for a couple of days. I think i may have mentioned that before. I am really excited to work there, the missionaries in my zone are all Super Jealous of me. Today we all went hiking together here in Lago Ranco, and they said ´´Psshh, your kidding right, you are going to probably one of the most beautiful places in the mission.´´ And then they would make remarks about how they were at first jealous that i was in lago ranco with is pretty dang beautiful, but then were even more so with me going to Puerto Varas.

The hike was actually SUPER FUN! One of the Elders Brought his Fútbol, and so i was running up the mountain passing a soccer ball with a couple of the Elders and one of the Sister Missionaries. I loved it so much! And goodness did i get a good little workout today haha because the hike alone is one thing. And then doing the whole thing running with a soccer ball its just a whole new game haha. I actually got kind of sun burned, which is a nice little change than freezing to death haha. My friend Elder Amone is getting Transferred too, but to Coihueique, and he has to take an airplane, so today he told me that he wants to give me his Ukulele tomorrow in our meeting. I am super Excited for that, but i am going to miss him too, he was a great friend.

So i remember that a couple of months ago when my friend ELder Kandare got sent to Osorno i made a little remark in an email about how i hope that saying goodbye to everyone never gets easier for me. Because its really hard, but i thought that it would take someone pretty Heartless to just say goodbye to everyone then know and love without being sad about it. And i am happy to report that it is still not easy for me hahahaha But i am getting alot better at it. Really its just sad for the first couple of seconds after you say Goodbye, but then i noticed something strange that i do that i notice that i have done since the day i left on my mission. Is after i say goodbye to everyone I take a big breath, and then i stick out my chest a little bit, as if i´m going into man mode and then walk away hahaha. I havent done that yet, but tomorrow i foresee that it may happen hahaha

I already have all of my bags ready. I did them really fast. I was actually pretty impressed with myself haha Im starting to get down the pick up and go at a moments notice kind of thing haha

This Wednesday i am leaving for Puerto Varas. I´m pretty excited. I love LAgo Ranco quiet a bit, it´s been my home for last 4 and a half months, and yeah even though i´ve had some of the hardest moments of my life ever as i´ve been here, i´ve also had some of my happiest.

Oh so i want to throw in something about Conference real quick. I have such a weird Eternal Perspective when it comes to receiving Revelation about my life when listening to conference. I made a little list of things that i know will have nothing to do with my mission. Things like something i´m going to have to say to one of my kids some day, and just a bunch of random things. But there was one where i actually had to fight myself about writing it down. Now i am hoping that it was just a crazy thought and not revelation but when i was telling myself that i wasnt going to write it down because i cant really picture it myself but then i had a though saying ´´You are 19 years old. You already have experience Do you really expect that there wasnt a reason why God gave you those experiences so early in your life´´ So i said to myself ´´Fine. I´ll write it down´´ hahahaha

I love you All!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great week. Have a great Time on the Pioneer trek this week!!!!

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