Monday, November 18, 2013

Reading my Flight Itinerary‏

So i was pretty ready to go on a baggage security rant right about now but eventually everything turned out good so im happy now.

So I am going to quote a conversation that i had this week. I was in a city called Llanquihue working with my friend Elder Werner when his cell phone starts ringing. And i over hear ``Her Elder I have some information that i need to you to pass on to Elder Crockett`` And so he replies ``Well he`s standing here right now so you can just tell him yourself if you want to`` And then passes me the phone.

And on the phone is my Friend Elder Johnson, and he is currently the mission presidents Secretary. And so after talking for a min he says ``Elder Crockett, i have news for you.. You`re Going to Choyihueque`` And my first reply was ``You`re messing with me right`` And he says ``Yup i was just kidding`` And i reply ``Oh thank Goodness you scared me there i thought i was going to freeze to death for a second`` And then there was a awkward silence and he replied ``Actually i wasnt kidding you actually are going to Choyihueque``

Now just so you know This city Choyihueque ( i dont know if im spelling it right) is so far down south that I have to take a plane to get there. It is a place where there is literally snow all year round. And sense it cost so much money for president to send missionaries there they normally stay down there in the south for at least 6 months many are there for more than i year.

Now honestly I have wanted to go there sense my first day here in Chile. And my first initial thought was of super excitement. Until i thought about it a little. I am still recovering from pneumonia where i cannot spend too much time it the cold, and i am getting sent to a place where it snows even in the summer. It is literally the coldest area in the mission. Even Colder Than Punta Arenas which is the farthest south city in the world, because not only am i really closest to Antarctica i am also up in the mountains, at least i think so.

I have only really heard 2 things about this city. That it is Super Beautiful. Possibly the most beautiful place in Chile, but it is deathly cold all year long. But honestly i am super Excited.

I told my ward mission leader this and he said ``Are you kidding? I mean if God needs you in the spirit world to preach the gospel he is definitely sending you to the right place. Because if there was any place in this country that could hypothetically kill you, that would be it`` I then said ``Thanks Love you too``

My personal theory is that God is sending me there to go through like a shock therapy. If my lungs get used to the death cold air there then i will never have a problem with my lungs ever again in my entire life, because im not going to experience much colder than that hahaha.

Actually its not even that bad i will be there during the summer and so it will be alot less cold than it would be if i was in there in August or something in the middle of winter.

My friend Elder Warner Told me that there in the summer the sun Raises at about 4 am and sets at about 11 pm. So i am pretty excited for the awesome missionary tan that i am going to get there hahaha

Over all i am actually really happy, and excited to go down to Choyihueque, but i am kind of bummed that i am leaving Puerto Varas so soon.Because i found a ton of new investigators here and taught a ton, and was in the process of preparing 10 different baptisms in the next couple of days actually, and so i wont be around to see my investigators be baptized, again haha. This has literally happened in ever single transfer ive had haha

Also there was elections for president this Sunday and so it was illegal to have a church meeting, and so i didnt get to say goodbye to the members. Which Kind of Sucks, i literally had just enough time here in Puerto Varas to fall in love with Everyone, turn the dieing sector into a sector that is going to explode with baptisms really soon, and all of that while fighting off Death hahaha. And the worst part is i dont even have time to say goodbye to really anybody. Kind of bummed about that. But its ok, i`m hoping that some day i`ll be able to come back here, even if its just for a day i would like to see how everything i`ve done here is going to turn into.

Actually i have had the opportunity to tell a couple of the members and none of them are super psyked , they all feel that i just got here (because i did) and want me to stay longer, and honestly i want to stay longer too, but i know that God needs me right now down south so i am excited to go.

I just delivered one of my maletas, i have no idea what there are called in English, they are those really big bag things that you put clothes in to travel, you gave me some when i graduated. I can only take one with me on the airplane and the other has to go by bus, and so they are sending it to Santiago Chile, the Capital, super far away, and then from there they are going to send it down south, the the leaders told me to only pack the things that i absolutely need right now in the one that i am taking of the plane, because my other bag will take about a month or so to arrive in Choyihueque.

Well this next time next week ill let you know if i got any snow!!!! Hahahaha

Love you all! Keep me posted on how you are doing!

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