Tuesday, March 12, 2013

He made it! (Mompost)

Well, we think he made it.
One of the other parents of the missionaries on the same trip sent us a flight plan that they are 99% sure was theirs, although neither of us, for some inexplicable reason, asked for an official flight number. 

After 3 layovers, one bout of sitting in a plane on the runway for 3 hours and 20 total hours of travel time, the little airplane-shaped blip on the map has stopped moving in Osorno.

It's kindof funny, the 'scheduled arrival' time kept changing to keep pace with the delay on the runway like they'd been planning it that way all along.  Maybe that's typical, but it seemed funny to me at 2 a.m. when I decided that sitting there watching the little blip not move was making my brain mush and I finally went to bed.  I didn't intend to track it, but got addicted as soon as I got the flight plan.

From all indications we may have to wait until Monday to find out officially if he made it, although some Mission Presidents are kinder to parents than that and will email as soon as the missionaries are settled.  I'm hoping we have a kind one, cuz that's just mean to make a Mom worry.

Update: the flight tracker officially says it arrived!

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