Monday, June 3, 2013

4.5 months Later‏

So i am going to start my email with 2 random facts. 
First Elder Larsen fixed my white camera i got after i graduated! (i brought it with me even though it was broken) So i can start taking good pictures again!

And the bigger random fact I have moved every 6 weeks starting from the day i left home for Utah. Now in other words that´s me saying that I am saying goodbye to Paillaco this week. Which is a bitter sweet feeling. And the story starts a couple of days ago.

I had the most productive week i have ever had for finding new investigators. I´ve even set 4 investigators with baptismal dates, and had 3 investigators attend church. And the ward has expressed multiple times to me how they think it is awesome how much the branch has grown over the last couple of months. And just recently the zone leaders arranged for an invasion of Paillaco and so the zone leaders sent me 5 other sets of missionaries (11 missionaries) and had me arrange them to go around and do a ton of work in my sector, and by the end of the day i got 8 new investigator, and nearly 50 names of people that i could go visit and try to turn them into investigators.

So in other  words the work here in Paillaco is exploding there is so much we are doing. And so Saturday night i was writing in my journal about how i´m so excited to be able to do so much work, and i was writing about some of the families that i am really exited to go teach when my phone starts ringing. And its my zone leaders. And they asked me to put the phone on speaker phone so that my companion could hear too. And he then said ¨´Elder Crockett.....You have been reassigned to work in Lago Ranco. You new companion is Elder Derriger he is from Mexico¨¨

We then talked about Lago Ranco a little bit and my new companion. And i wont be there until Wednesday but what i know so far about the place is that it is a tiny branch, i am assuming it´s in a house. And my new companion is literally the Branch President there. With Priesthood keys and everything, And so on top of being missionaries we are also going to literally run the church there in Lago Ranco, him as branch president and me as a councilor.

I have only heard good things about my new companion from other missionaries, and how he is a really hard worker and we will do alot of good, and I am assuming that they are right about that because I assume it takes alot of work to be a branch president and a missionary haha.

I am a little sad about leaving Paillaco because i am going to miss the baptisms of literally all of the investigators that i have been working with, and i am done so much work here. I wish i could have done more though. I know that i am definitely leaving Paillaco much stronger than how i found it, but my dream to see Paillaco turn into a ward may still happen but it will have to be without me being there. Only a couple people in the branch know i´m leaving, i´ve only told the branch president (he asked me to do something in church next week, but then i told him that i cant haha), and i´ve told my mamita (the lady who cooks food for me every day), she was actually sad that i was going, Everyone else is going to have to find out through gossip or the fact that they wont see me anymore hahaha.

I´m pretty much out of time for today but i am waiting on my companion Elder Larsen to finish writing a story to his family so i am going to write a little about him. I didn´t realize it until i was told i was being transferred but he really has helped me a lot with growing personally, and me and him became really good friends. He only has about 6 months left on his mission, so i don´t know if i will ever see him again after tomorrow but I am thankful for everything he has done to help, if he knew if he was going it or not hahaha

I may try looking him up after the mission. It won´t be hard i´ve said his full name so many times i am never going to forget it hahaha (that was a hidden priesthood blessing joke haha)  it´s Aaron Paul Larsen. Well i need to go but thank you so much for keeping me posted. You're in my prayers these next couple weeks about the adoption trials and the new house.

P.S. Truman if you die when i´m gone don´t worry i´d get permission from my mission president to come back to speak at your funeral hahaha You are the absolute best friend i have ever had and my brother on top of that. Random fact 3 the other day i had a dream that you were called to Serve in the Osorno Chile mission too and i was your trainer. That would be pretty legit haha. Alright love you all please keep me posted!

(Truman was sick...nothing to worry about, he's fine now. J.)

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