Monday, September 23, 2013

Drunk or dog?

So i totally love this foto of my zone. It totally explains like the personalities of everyone. It´s fantastic. Just a quick little run down on it, the first three in the front are my zone leaders, and my district leader, and there is my right behind them, and we are all making the exact same face (not planned) And the 4 of us are all really close friends, and i want to go on talking about it but i´ll let you try to try using your imagination, But it´s like a game of I Spy mixed in with Sherlock Holmes style personality profiling. I thought it was super awesome!

I have a baptism this Saturday!!! It´s kind of funny we were planning it the other day, and the boy wants me to baptise him, and give him the gift of the Holy Ghost, and i tried explaining to him that normally one Elder Baptises and the other gives the Holy Ghost, but he didnt really care, he wants me to do both parts. But i´m sure i can talk him into letting my companion be involved a little bit hahaha 

But my story from this week has to do with this kid. I want to use him name but i´ll wait until after his baptism. But we had plans to go to his house and go over all of the baptism interview questions with him, and a couple of the commandments that we hadnt taught yet. So we are walking over to his house, and i call the mom to tell her that we were outside the back gate (they live on that is surrounded by a huge gate and we need them to let us in, and the property is huge too they work there) And so i tell that to the mom and i hear her yell ´´Hey Los Hermanos are outside the front gate go let them in´´ And then i here our investigator say ´´Ok´´ And then i think to myself ´´shoot she just said the front gate, that is freaking far away, it would take us like 10 mins to walk over there, and if he gets out there and sees we are not there he´ll spend the next half hour searching for us to see if somehow we got lost (he totally did that before, and that´s a super funny story, but i´ll have to save that one for another day) 
And so i tell my companion that we are just going to hop the fence and run to the front gate to meet up with him there. And my companion does not want to do that, because he is deathly afraid of one of the dogs they have (the dog is actually pretty terrifying, i just refer to him as the Hound of the Baskervilles). And he says he´s not going. And so i say ´´Ok well i am going in, if you want you can stay here alone on the edge of town late at night during the Chilean Independence week, i´m sure you´re only going to have to fight a couple dozen drunks. And my companion hates drunks (and dogs, but drunks more than dogs. Some days haha)
 So he agrees to come with me. So we start running over to where the front gate is when our investigator sees us, and so i try to stop running when the ground just slides away from under my feet, and i skid like 10 feet in mud, but miraculously i dont fall. And i stop all safe and sound. And he is super concerned and afraid that i may have hurt myself, and i assure him that i´m fine, and then i take a step towards him, and slip again, but this time i totally EAT IT! And i fall on my face and get COVERED in mud! HAHAHAHAHAHA And he saw that i was laughing alot so we knew i was fine. But then he told me that there was a bunch of visitors in the house and that the dad didnt want us to come over with them (and frankly i was pretty dirty so i didnt want to enter the house) so i told him thats fine because today we only wanted to teach him instead of the whole family. 
So we started going over all of the baptismal question when he started Talking about Thomas S. Monson, and how i asked if he believed if he was a prophet. And he told me that he had never heard of him before, and then i realized that i never told him that there is a living prophet! Great missionary right. And so i tell him about him and then bear my testimony and ask if he believes that he was a prophet, and he responds ´´Well i have never heard of him before, but i know that you would never Lie to me Elder Crockett, and so if you say that you know he is a prophet of God then i Believe you´´ And oh my goodness that made me feel so good. (I totally have plans to teach him today more about the prophet) 
but then we continued on with our interview and the kid is just amazing, some of the questions he answered better that i would have if you asked me when i was in the MTC. And then we got to the Law of Chastity. And this is one of the commandments that i didnt have time to teach prior to this point. So i teach him about it and then ask him what is it that you understand about the Law of Chastity, and he just gets super awkward, and say ´´umm... I dont know´´ and i say, ´´Ok, i am going to ask that question a little differently. Are you willing to live the law of Chastity´´ And immediately he SHOUTS ¨´ÝES!´´ So i figure that he understood that little Commandment pretty well hahahahahaha. 
And then we finished our interview. And just this past Saturday he had his official interview, and he´s good to be baptized. I´m so excited for him. He makes little missionary jokes all the time like when we are leaving his house he has to take us to the front gate and say ´´Bye mom, be back in two years!´´ I am positive that he is going to be a missionary in a couple of years. His older brother makes a bunch of im going to be a missionary jokes too, he has a baptism planned in October. He´s 21 right now. The one that is getting baptized this weekend is 15.
Welp i love you all! Keep me posted! 

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