Thursday, May 16, 2013

Snail mail from April 22nd

Dear Family,
On April 14th I finished reading the Book of Mormon for the first time on my mission, and it also happened to be fast sunday so I decided I was going to bear my testimony. So I'm in church and a a couple of people had already borne their testimonies and they were all super long Evangelical style testimonies (Devin might know what I mean by that) and so I felt inspired to go share my testimony and I was expecting I was going to give some legit testimony that was going to inspire more missionary work to happen in my branch, but I went up there and I said "I know the book of Mormon is true.  If you read it, you will too" I then closed and sat down. I had such a stupid big smile on my face, almost laughing at myself with how simple an short it was, but what happened next was awesome.

Every single one of the youth got up and bore their testimonies.  Many of them were almost, if not as simple as mine and the Spirit that was was incredible.  I thought about it a little and I realize that it really is the simple things that really make a difference.
(bad news, my bus just broke down again the middle of a forest and there is enough trees surrounding us that I can't even get a decent view of the mountains.  So I'm just surrounded by 2 green walls of trees, but at least I have time to write. haha)

Ok, my Samuel the Lamanite experience.  My companion and I were cutting wood when he wanted to try hitting the wood as hard as he could.  So he swings as hard as he can, when the head of the axe flies off and comes within inches of hitting me, and gets stuck in a a piece of wood that was behind me..  I was surprisingly calm haha, but my companion was not, so he says "I'll just let you cut the wood, you're better at it and haven't almost killed anyone recently."  he then goes and gets the axe head out of the wood and start messing around by a wood pile. About a half hour later I see that he has taken the axe head and attached it to a stick and was using it as a hatchet to waste more time.  I then see that he is throwing it to make it stick in wood I already chopped.

And before I have time to tell him that's a terrible idea, he slips or something and missed the wood pile and narrowly misses me yet again.  I was not angry yet, but I did call him an idiot for throwing an axe at me and then told him if he is going to continue wasting time to throw his axe in a direction that there is no one standing there.  Well about a half hour later he forgot my council once again and as I was getting ready to chop a big piece of wood he gets the idea that he should try throwing his axe at it before I could chop it.  As you can guess his accuracy was off and it  bounced off the top of the log and goes right in between my legs.   I don't remember if I even said anything.  He was full of apologies though for almost hitting me again and he left his axe behind me where it stuck in the ground and said he was going to stop.

I then had some thought about how I was really lucky, but as I was thinking that the big log I was going to chop fell off the chopping  block and hits me in the shin and it freaking hurt.  haha.  So I realized that was probably a sign from God about how it had nothing to do with luck and also realized it was probably just the righteous prayers of my Mom protecting me.

I'm not sure how he got it back, but somehow that hatchet ended back up in my companion's hands and at some point of time a couple hours after the last incident I was grabbing more wood when I turn around to see that he was throwing the axe at my chopping block and I see it hit the top, bounce off, come within inches of hitting my leg and land in the wood pile pretty much exactly where my head had been just seconds earlier.  By now I was out of patience and faith that God would continue protecting me if I let my comp continue with trying to kill me, so I grabbed the axe and threw it to the top of the wood pile which was too tall for him to get it back.

that's my story for this week
I love you all,
Thanks for the prayers, they're working
Elder Crockett

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