Thursday, February 28, 2013

Talked to an big deal.

  • week 4 email‏

So today i have freakin awesome story about being a Host for new missionaries. Which just reminds me of how much God's hand is in this work every day. This week i was asked if i would be a host for the new missionaries who were coming in. And basically what a host does is he takes the missioanaries around the MTC, show them where everything is at and just make them feel welcome. So while i was getting taught about everything i need to do i was asked to be a host for the Early arrival missionaries, because that's what i was and i know what things they need to hear so their second day wont be as bad as their first haha. But as i was about to leave to host the early arrivals the man in charge stopped me and my companion and told us that he wants the two of us to stay in a different room, because he had a different assingment for us than he originally planned. 
So i am chillin in this room when a bunch of new missionaries come in, and i don't pay any attention to them yet because i was talking to my friend Elder Brusnt. Then all the new missionaries were asked to line up against a wall and they were started to get Host assigned to them. So i stop talking to my friend and look up to see that i am going to end up with. And it was Elder Jace Hancock!!!! So i run up to him and give him a HUGE hug! I was so happy to see him! And I was freaking excited that i was assigned to Host him! So we talked for a long time before we even started to go around the MTC. And then i took him to his room. Which is in the building right next to mine! And i got him all setteled and stuff. Then after we head over to my place and i feed him a bunch of snacks and get him a Pizza thing from a vending machine because he hadn't eaten sense he left Mesa. 
And then we just chiled in my room for almost an hour. It was legit! Even though i spent a ton of time with him i feel like it wasn't enough. Bu i took him to his class, which is just 4 floors above mine!  And then i got a picture with him and then left him to the ravenous spanish speaking psychopaths hahahaha. Just kidding his teachers are super cool. They aren't aloud to speak any English to them for the first couple of weeks so while i was talking to his teachers him and everyone else in his class looked super lost because none of them understand anything that we were saying. And talking to them made e realize how far i have actually come with everything in the 4 weeks i have been here, and i feel good for Jace too because he will pick up on everything super quick too. I'm definitely keep an eye on him though when i can to make sure he is doing good because the first couple days here can be really tough, and seeing on how we've been friends for like a million years it would be even better for him to feel welcome. And even though i am leaving in less than a week and a half (crazy right) he'll be doing really good by the time i check out of here.
This week i have been working really hard at being able to teach a lesson completely by the Spirit. It is super hard but i am getting better at it. First i put alot of effort into preparing a good lesson, and then when i am teaching i need to just focus on not going off of everything that i just planned. I think the preparing the lesson is pretty much just for showing God that i am willing to put in the effort totach his Children, because most of the time i get taken away and start teacing about something else that i had not originally planned (exept i always get most of what i planned across). Last night i was doing TRC. And basically what that is, is they throw you in a room with a volenteer who just wants to get help from the missionaries. And the volenteer i had last night was one of the first volenteers i had when i first started TRC. 
So we already knew eachother, and he was such a awesone guy, we because friends super fast my first time meeting him. P.s. this is all in spanish too. But i spent time 20 mins just catching up with him sense we talked last. He's doing really good, and he was happy to see that me and my companion were doing really good too (because we weren't when we first met hahaha at least my companion wasn't) (and that's why i was already friends with him because i had to do most of the talking when we met) But anyways we talked for a while. I told him the story about me Hosting Jace Hancock. And then we started our lesson, and i was teaching him about how we can better recive revolation through reading the book of Mormon. And so basically i wanted to read him 1 nephi 11:1-5. And then we just talked about each of the aspects of the things mentioned in this scripture. And i told him a cool story, and it reminded him of a cool story from when he served a mission. And he told it to me and it was awesome.
I really want to keep typing but i only have a couple of mins left before i'm out of time. But our lesson went super good, the Spirit was super strong, He said it helped him alot and there was a couple of things i asked him to do that he said he would do when he got home. I hope i get to see Santiago (that's his name) again he's a super cool guy and we are pretty close. the fact that i only have one more TRC before i leave though means that i probably wont. Which is too bad. But it's been a sper good week learned lots. Talked with an apostle. You know how it is hahaha It was actually freaking cool it was M. Russell Ballard. He's probably one of the most humble people i have ever seen. But love you all!!!!

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