Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Week 3!


Passed out in the snow.  

Elder Jacobson drawing Elder Crockett.

Pretty good likeness! Got the attitude...not quite the chin. 

Elder Crockett,  Sister  Selk, Elder Walker,  Sister Harper
His two new roomies.  And the closet with the secret compartment.

Dear family,
I'll answer your questions first.
1. The Candy Stash- Well I always had a candy stash at home, so why not here! Whenever missionaries leave they throw a bunch of stuff into a big, free box and since I am the first person awake every day I get first dibs! haha. So I take lots of candy and it gets bigger every day because I never eat it (just like back home haha)
2. People I've met that I know from home: Becky Pacheco, Ashlyn Biggs, Dillon Harper, Kevin Hale, Kyle Hobbs, Stuart Monthierth, and I feel like I'm forgetting a bunch of people, but I also have more friends coming in next week.
3. People in my pictures; Elder Walker is my companion, the dark haired one who is taller than me.  Elder Cole, dark hair, glasses like mine, super nice guy, he is literally the most humble man I know.  Elder Owens, blond. He is my DL and is awesome. Elder Jacobson, in the pics he's the one that drew a legit picture of my face, it was super realistic (except for the chin) but he literally got my face down!  It's legit. 
4. The Star Destroyer. Sadly I did not make the star destroyer, but the Elder that did passed it down to me when he was about to leave on his mission.  So I have a giant spaceship on my dresser now.  I made plans to build a Tie Fighter.  I even have blue prints, but I have no time as it is and without Elder Renove I don't forsee it happening. But I'll send pics if it does.

Thank you everyone for your letters and pictures! I love all of them I really like our family picture in Perry the Platipus shirts.  I literally laugh every time I look up and see it!

For my story today I want to tell you about Hermana Rice. She is a volunteer who comes to the MTC to let the missionaries talk to her. She knows English and wrote me a really nice note in English, but she only speaks Spanish while we are teaching her.  Our lesson start out really good and I'm teaching her about God's love for us and then Elder Walker bore a really storng testimony about how we aren't perfect but God still loves us. And I start talking again, but then I stop half way through a sentence and ask her about her family.  And she just gets really emotional, so I wait a minute but then decide to keep talking, so I start telling her about our family and she can't take it anymore. She just starts crying. 

Through her tears she started telling me about her family, she has two sons who both served missions, and has a daughtr at BYU right now who is working on her papers and plans on putting them in so she can leave at the end of the semester. She then starts saying how thankful she is for men like me who have been good examples for her and her family.  later that day I had another one on one meeting with my teacher Hermano Davis and he expressed how thankful he is for me bieng such a great example for my companion and all the people in my ditrict and zone.

I am going to be completely honest here.  So many people tell me about how great of an example I am to them, but I don't even know why.. Yeah, I guess I make people cry on a a regular basis and I work really hard to help the people in my district, but I am by no means perfect.

One thing that has become super apparent to me though is how much people watch you, even when there are lots of other good people around.

Love you all! Elder Hamilton Denton Crockett

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